The Endless Knot

Life, Buddhism, and Me

20 February 2007

Poignant Prose

So, I'm re-reading why’s (poignant) guide to Ruby, trying to stay focussed on the code, but secretly waiting for each and every bizarrely delicious metaphor. Like:
[A code block is] like one of those little Hello Kitty boxes they sell at the mall that’s stuffed with tiny pencils and microscopic paper, all crammed into a glittery transparent case that can be concealed in your palm for covert stationery operations. Except that blocks don’t require so much squinting.
I can’t figure out this guy who calls himself “why.” Either he’s insane, or absolutely brilliant. I tend to think he’s the latter. If you are interested in programming, especially Ruby and Ruby on Rails, check out why’s stuff:


lotus dingbat


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