The Endless Knot

Life, Buddhism, and Me

03 December 2006

Technogeek-ness vs. Buddhism

It had to happen sooner or later. Some company, in this case LG (though for me it’s usually Apple), comes out with a bit of technoporn and desire sets in. Big time. Take a look:
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Yeah, it’s your usual concept laptop, not in production, and probably won’t be. But the geeks commenting on the story over at Engadget are salivating for this one. Why? Notice the blue, bubbly, TSA-rule-violating goodness in the hinge? Methanol fuel for power. Notice the bezel-less screen? OLED. Check the back-lit keyboard too. It’s an OLED, too, like the one used in the LG Chocolate cell phone. One commenter sums it up nicely: “GIMME GIMME GIMME.” How about an action pic snarfed from the Korea Times article:
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LG chief designer Shim Jae-jin, right, and designer Park Mi-sun
Credit: Korea Times
I want to say all kinds of nice stuff about how as a buddhist I’m supposed to turn away from the desire for this product, and how even if I had one of these laptops, the novelty and that special geeky feeling one gets when one has some bleeding edge tech to play with is just transient, and that desire is the cause of all suffering but, but... GIMME GIMME GIMME!


lotus dingbat


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